Hi there! I’m a father, husband, writer, seminarian, and avid reader.

Writing is my passion, not my profession—by day, I’m a Preconstruction Manager at Amazon, which means I travel a lot! (In the past three weeks alone, I’ve been to Cleveland, North Carolina, Chicago, and Houston.)

I see writing as more than just a hobby—it's my ministry. It’s how I express my love for God and neighbor, how I engage in discipleship, and how I hope to make a lasting impact, one reader at a time.

I’m also a bit of a theology nerd. I love diving deep into big questions about God, the Bible, culture, right and wrong, and how to develop a Christian worldview in today’s world. I hold a Master of Theological Studies (MTS) from Gateway Seminary, and I’m currently pursuing my Master of Divinity (MDiv) there as well (did I mention I love theology?). I look forward to sharing insights from my seminary journey with you—there’s more to learn in those classes than you’d think!

Most of all, I’m excited about building a community of passionate readers who are willing to engage with meaningful content, think critically, and allow it to spiritually shape them. Let’s grow together on this journey of faith and exploration.

What I write about?

I write essays, research and reflection papers, news and opinion articles, devotionals, and critical analysis of current events. You’ll also find biblical and theological critiques of modern sociocultural movements that impact the church.

My writing style is direct and to the point—I’m not interested in producing ivory-tower publications. I find that approach detached and unhelpful for most people. Instead, I consider myself a practical, blue-collar theologian. My theology has to be functional and useful in the real world.

You might find my writing a bit edgy or punchy at times—I like to think of it as bold, thought-provoking, and unafraid. My goal is to be constructive in my analysis, and I write with a lot of passion and emotion.

If this sounds like your kind of content, welcome—you’re in the right place!

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First off, you don’t have to! I’ll never ask you to pay for my content. If you receive an email encouraging you to subscribe, that's from the Substack platform—they get paid when authors get paid, so it makes sense. But please don’t feel any pressure to contribute financially.

Now, why might someone choose to become a paid subscriber? Simple: because they enjoy the content and want to support my work. Like-minded people often support causes they’re passionate about, and what’s more important than God? Those who see value in my writing, and believe it’s helpful or necessary in the larger evangelical conversation, often choose to amplify my voice by subscribing.

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Excited to Have You on This Journey!

I’m beyond excited to have you join me on this journey! This isn’t just a space for me to share my thoughts—it’s a place for us to learn, grow, and wrestle with big questions together. Whether we’re reflecting on theology, culture, or life’s challenges, I can’t wait to engage in meaningful conversations with you. Your presence here means we’re in this together, and I’m grateful to have you as part of this community as we explore, challenge, and encourage each other along the way. Let’s make this journey something truly special!

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Boldly exploring where faith and culture collide—thought-provoking essays, deep dives, and fearless opinions that challenge the status quo and ignite fresh perspectives.


Boldly living truth everyday at the intersection of faith and culture. Essays, research, reflections, news, and opinions.